GOD AND SANTA CLAUS TRUMP TRUMP out in kindle format initially…

New for 2017, on kindle, nook, kobo, and other places, we are pleased to present Robert Devereaux’s God and Santa Claus Trump Trump: A Christmas Tale of Generosity, Love, and Redemption.

This book is a novella of some 22,000 words, plus a 4,000 author’s afterword. Initially, it sells for 99 cents. Robert has priced it low to encourage maximal distribution. We plan on a POD paperback edition late in January 2017, price to be determined.

And an audio version may be in the offing. More on that later.

Back cover copy:

Uh-oh! God the Father’s done wigged out. Santa’s just reported that the entire tone and texture of Earth has darkened, in the USA especially, on his Christmas rounds.

It seems a would-be tyrant is gearing up to tyrannize. America’s democratic republic teeters on its last legs, this mockery of a man having rent its fabric, perhaps irreparably, in the weeks since his highly suspect election.

Checks and balances? Out the window. Sexists, racists, anti-Semites, science deniers, homophobes, fake Christians, and bigots of every stripe feel emboldened to publicly scurry out the cockroach natures they’ve hitherto hidden.

When the sanity God and Saint Nick wait for refuses to materialize, it’s up to them to visit this godforsaken fucker moments after his super-weird inauguration and—in the infinite space afforded them by magic time—repair his wounded psyche.

It’s a psyche as warped and mangled as any the Almighty Father has ever seen, but he has a plan. He has several plans. And one by one, they fall through.

Holy Hannah! Will God and Saint Nick succeed in threading their way through this perverse morass of Trumpian motherfuckery? Or are they . . . well, you know . . . DOOMED TO FAIL?

Hold onto your hats, boys and girls. You’re in for a wild ride!

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